Let’s see the numbers!

Why This research

One of our core values at Girls Empowerment Network is to prove our impact. Our ultimate goal is for our girls to show statistically significant gains in self-efficacy* in the areas of our Six Cs. In order to do that, we are proud to have Dr. Sarah Miller-Fellows as our fulltime Director of Impact who guides us through the intricacies of data collection and analysis. For more information, check out our research and evaluation results below.

We know girls are powerful, and it’s our mission to help them know it too.

*Self-Efficacy is a girl’s belief in her ability to succeed.


Our Seven Cs of Self-Efficacy

We teach girls how to increase their self-efficacy through our Seven Cs. Self-efficacy is a girl’s belief in her ability to succeed. When a girl experiences our Seven Cs curriculum, she believes she can succeed. When she believes she can succeed, she becomes powerful.