Reflections on the Women’s March on Austin

Contributed by: Jordan Watts


Although I wasn’t personally able to make it to the Women’s March on Austin, I wanted to find out about what some people had experienced through the March. I was really interested to find out what effect the March still has on the women who attended. I decided to sit down with one of my close friends, Kit Taylor. She is a second year Theater major at St. Edward’s University and loves #GENspiring their fellow gal pals.


GEN: What was your favorite part of the March?


Kit: The night before the March I spent the night at my friend’s apartment with a few other friends. We were up all night being giggly and girly; pretty much just doing normal slumber party activities. The next morning we all crammed into the tiny bathroom in the apartment to get ready. We listened to Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and other girl power artists. I think the night and morning before the March were my favorite because there was so much anticipation and excitement. Nobody knew what to expect or how many people would be at the March, but my girl friends and I were already empowering and advocating for each other just by being together for this special event.


GEN: What did you find the most empowering about the March?


Kit: My favorite part was seeing all the posters. Most of them were really funny and creative, which I thought was really nice. I enjoyed the comedic relief.


GEN: How do you think the Women’s March impacted the view of women in today’s society?


Kit: For me, and probably most other women, I am now way more confident in women’s ability to stand up for each other. Even though women usually are supportive of each other, I didn’t know we were capable of showing our support on this level. I feel way more empowered by the world after the March.


GEN: If women can accomplish organizing this march in so many different cities around the world, what else do you think women can accomplish?


Kit: I believe that women can accomplish anything. Since the March was such a success in so many cities, I think our point was really proven that women are strong and will fight for what they believe is right. After the March everybody in the world really saw just how capable women are of doing whatever they set their mind to. I think the March was just one event in a series of many accomplishments by women.


GEN: Now that the March is over, what are ways that girls and women can still find ways to be civically engaged?


Kit: Ways that I, personally, stay engaged are keeping up with my representatives. It’s good to always be in the know about their policies, what they’re voting on, and what they’ve been doing in the community. You can always call them and write them letters telling them what you want out of them. They are your representative, so it’s their duty to listen to what you have to say.


Another way I stay involved is joining marches or protests that I’m passionate about. Sometimes a peaceful objection is not the most efficient way to create change, but it still lets others know what that group is concerned about. It’s a good way to educate others and meet some like-minded people.


Lastly, I always vote, even in local elections. Since I am a California citizen, it is hard to vote while I am in Austin for school, but when I am home I regularly practice my right to vote. If more people participated in all elections, not just the major ones, they would see more local change.


GEN: Finally, what are your favorite ways to empower other girls and women?


Kit: I think the best way to empower other females is being supportive. Women are belittled a lot in today’s society, which can create a loss of ambition. When you know you have other women supporting you that have been in the same position as you, it is really a confidence booster.

Felicia Gonzalez