Health and Wellness Workshops at WAG November 12th!

Health and wellness is an important part of being a happy, well-rounded adolescent. Girls today are involved in a million different clubs and activities, and sometimes they need help figuring out ways to de-stress, take time to relax, and take care of the physical health of their bodies. These workshops teach girls simple, easy ways to make their lives healthier and less stressful.

IGnite Your Life: Simplify Health: Basic Exercises, Yoga Poses and Nutrition Tips (Session 1)

Providing simple and basic information that will allow teens to have a fun and healthy teenage experience.

Ballet Austin: What Moves You? (Session 1, 2, 3)

What moves you? The idea is, that if you find an activity that keeps you moving that you enjoy, you will keep doing it! So the question is, “What do you enjoy? What moves you?” Pick an activity that’s easy to fit into your life, that’s fun, and learn how to be active your way. Shape your future, now! Discover your unique passions, how your passions set you in motion, and discover how to feel better about the unique you! Participants will discover how staying active affects all areas of their life, including body image, self-esteem, and overall health.


Will identify their passions and how they relate to staying active.

Will understand how to build physical activity into their day in ways they will love and continue to pursue.

Will be given tools to help them develop personal responsibility for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong wellness.

What Moves You is about developing a healthy lifestyle. Girls learn that physical activity is fun, can improve body image and self-respect, and will boost confidence. The session will include talk-back time as well and dance opportunity. With the use of relevant music and fun dance, girls will discover how much fun it can be to be active every day in a variety of ways. The goal is three-fold: To discover WHAT moves you? (What is it they love to do) What MOVES you? (Passions will naturally promote action) and What moves YOU? (The uniqueness of each girl and their interests and abilities being used to positively influence their lives.)

Adrien Paczosa RD, LD of iLiveWell Nutrition Therapy: Fuel For Success (Session 1,2)

Food is the fuel that powers you through the day. We want to fuel our bodies with the proper and most optimal fuel to achieve our goals. During our session we will learn the top priorities to energize your body!

Yoga RX: Yoga For A Better Body Image (Session 1)

Did you know that Yoga can bring your awareness internally to create a healthier body image for you?  When we only compare external qualities our view becomes insufficient.  Let’s create more self confidence & a better body image by changing the way we view ourselves through Yoga!

Deirdre Earls: Your Healing Diet (Session 1)

Recent headlines have illustrated how even the world’s best young athletes are being sidelined by debilitating health problems. Simultaneously, there’s been an explosion in research on connections between dietary choices and health. Having used an imperfect diet instead of chemotherapy to reverse her own disabling disease, Deirdre’s class will give you a practical understanding of how to experience the healing power of food within your own busy life. Learn how food can create and reverse disease, common threads of success across many healing diets, and which foods optimize health and longterm performance.

Travis County’s Underage Drinking Prevention Program: Why Risk it? (Session 1)

Anti-DWI/Alcohol Awareness Program targeting teens and their decisions about alcohol

Sarah Sullivan: Beginners Yoga Groove (Session 2)

Yoga for the changing mind, body and spirit. Learn a simple routine to do every morning/evening to make you happy, healthy and whole.

Girls, Inc: Mind & Body (Session 3)

Mind and Body is an initiative which helps give girls the knowledge, skills and attitude required to form and maintain a healthy, positive sense of self. It focuses on four areas: physical activity, nutrition, body image, and stress.


The Conference is just days away, and tickets are going fast. Register today to attend!


Vanessa Wright