Building Self-Efficacy Through Collaboration: Guidelines

Building Self Efficacy through Collaboration: Guidelines

Part of our teaching curriculum includes collaboration which is a “girls support girls” environment with virtual team and group activities.

At Girls Empowerment Network, we use guidelines to set our expectations, and so that we can make sure that we remember to let ourselves and others feel respected, safe and heard. We also create our own personal guidelines to use at home, online, and with people who we care about. Collaboration is also one of our Six Cs that work together to create self-efficacy.

Five of Our Favorite Guidelines You Can Use Wherever You Are!

Guidelines ”Bubble Space” respect people’s inner and outer personal space.

“Bubble Space” represents our personal space. We want to make sure that we respect others’ bubbles by asking for permission before entering. Bubble space can also mean that we are respecting people’s inner bubbles, and respect when someone needs their own space. It allows us to give respect others privacy!

”Throw Glitter Not Shade” lets us share positivity with others.

“Throw Glitter Not Shade” represents spreading positivity over negativity. We want to lift others up! We can throw glitter by sharing kind words with our friends online, or providing encouragement for someone who is going through a hard time. Throwing glitter is all about showing others respect!

”Don’t Yuck My Yum” respects the thoughts and feelings of others.

“Don’t Yuck my Yum” respects the opinions of others, their likes and their dislikes. If someone says, “I like pickles and peanut butter: you wouldn’t say “Eww!!” because it would hurt their feelings. It’s okay to have different likes and dislikes, and we can still be respectful!

We use “Wiggle Fingers” to show others how we are feeling or to share our reactions without using our voices.

Wiggle fingers show empathy or say “I feel you,” especially when we are sharing with others. Wiggle fingers up for happy things, and wiggle fingers down for unhappy things. Using our wiggle fingers is an easy way to allow our family and friends to feel heard without interrupting.

”Sparkle and Let Sparkle” gives everyone a chance to shine and feel special!

“Sparkle and Let Sparkle,” it is important for us to step up and “shine” or “sparkle” by sharing our thoughts, opinions, values, ideas, or emotions. We also want to encourage others to “sparkle,” and sometimes we can take a step back to let others share. We want to hear from everyone, and let everyone have their chance to shine!

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Practice your new guidelines with family and friends! Let us know on social media, with an adult’s permission, which guidelines you are using or new guidelines you’ve created. Then, challenge your friends to do the same! #VirtualSpark

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